
本公司擁有逾10,000呎的廠房,設備齊全而且服務多樣,更特設切割肉類服務,大量訂購可作食品加工及包裝。我們供應的冷凍食品、肉類種類齊全,如各種牛、雞、豬、鴨、鵝等肉類、日式食 品、燒烤食品、海產類、加工製品類、雜菜類等,品質優良,深受顧客歡迎。



Company Profile

Chi Ming Meat Co. Ltd. specializes in the wholesale of frozen food. We offer competitive prices and have many years of experience in wholesaling and trading frozen food. We are sincere in providing customers with quality services.

Our production factory is 10,000 sq. ft. large and is equipped with advanced facilities. We offer a wide range of services, including the exclusive meat-cutting services. If the order meets the scale requirements, we may also process and package the food. Besides, our products include a variety of frozen food and meat, ranging from meat such as beef, chicken, pork, duck, goose,Japanese food, meat for BBQ  to frozen seafood, processed frozen food and frozen mixed vegetables.

To work for our customers¡¦ benefits, we introduce advanced refrigerators to ensure the best food hygienic level is achieved. Furthermore, we require workers on-site to wear standardized and clean uniform, striving to meet the hygienic standards set by the Department of Health.

Our products achieve high quality and hygienic level, which makes the products popular among all scales  of Chinese restaurants, Thai restaurants and schools, etc. Enquiries through phone or e-mail are welcome.